
Ontology Weekly Report (April 1–10, 2023)


Excited to build with all the Top Goshen Gears and see what the future holds for the Goshen ecosystem!

Latest Developments

Development Progress

  • We are 100% done with the optimization of the snapshot of the call of Ontology EVM contract.
  • We are 100% done with the optimization of the interface of the governance contract.
  • We are 50% done with the high ledger memory usage optimization.
  • We are 40% done with the EVM bloom bit index optimization.We are 35% done with the optimization of ONT liquid staking.

Product Development

  • ONTO participated the TwitterSpace Call hosted by KuCoin.

On-Chain Activity

  • 161 total dApps on MainNet as of April 10th, 2023.
  • 7,466,783 total dApp-related transactions on MainNet, an increase of 27,789 from last week.
  • 18,561,276 total transactions on MainNet, an increase of 59,328 from last week.

Community Growth

  • We started our Weekly Community Call Series. We talked about the Goshen, ONT ID, Decentralized Messaging, Wallet insurance. Users expressed their insights around this and actively engaged.
  • We held our Telegram weekly Community Discussion led by Ontology Loyal Members, discussing about the problems solved by Layer 2 and some notable projects built on the current Layer 2 protocol. Participants got the chance to win Loyal Member NFTs.
  • Sri Lanka Community launched a Wallpaper design competition, members showed their design talents.
  • As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram, where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates.

Global News

  • Continuing our ‘Meet the Team’ series, we’re very pleased to ask #Ontology Chief Scientist, Dr. Kendall Mao few questions.

  • It’s time for our latest #OWN101, as part of our OWNInsights series. This week, we bring you “Block”.

  • We partnered with buidlebee, and made a joint Twitter Space AMA. Lots of fans jointed and asked their questions about Ontology. 10 participants were chosen as the loyal NFT winners.

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