
Ontology Weekly Report (August 16–22, 2022)


Welcome to “Staking Fridays” with Ontology. We will regularly update the detailed data for Ontology nodes every Friday, to help community members participate in ecological governance.  

Latest Developments

Development & Product Development


  • The “dApp Week” campaign ended with the Ivy Market and ONTO co-branded NFTs sold out. We also launched the “NFT Week” campaign, come and join to share 500 ONG ONTO Red Packets!
  • ONTO hosted various online activities, such as the free giveaway campaign with CHILL and HALO Network. Participating in ONTO will earn Token and NFT rewards. Follow the @ONTO Wallet Official Announcement in Telegram for more details!  

On-Chain Activity

  • 154 total dApps on MainNet as of August 22th, 2022.
  • 7,141,189 total dApp-related transactions on MainNet, an increase of 5,388 from last week.
  • 17,886,048 total transactions on MainNet, an increase of 18,954 from last week.   

Community Growth

  •  We held our weekly Community Call, discussing “Four key goals of DID”. We invited Shrey, a well-known Microsoft Web3 researcher, who talked about “DID is striving to achieve four key goals: privacy, censorship resistance, interoperability with smart contracts, and self-management.
  • ”We held our Telegram weekly Community Discussion led by Benny, an Asian community Harbinger. He discussed Metaverse and NFTs with community members. The development of NFTs is inseparable from its strong scalability and plasticity. It is foreseeable that the development of Web3 will provide it with a wider range of application scenarios.
  • Ontology organized an AMA and invited community Harbinger Dumont to share his rich experience in Ontology staking and answer the questions encountered by community members.
  • As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram, where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates.  

  Global News

  • Ontology cooperated with TaskOn, a Web3 task collaboration platform. Humpty Calderon, our Head of Community, hosted an AMA, sharing how to effectively participate in community governance. Global users can complete relevant tasks through TaskOn and join the AMA to win ONG rewards.
  • W3C publishes “With FIDO2, is a passwordless future on the horizon?”. They pointed out that the era of Web3 passwordless login has begun. The ONT Login component in Ontology ONT ID has already been built, and continues to provide a mature passwordless login mode for platforms and applications.
  • The Verifiable Credentials WG of W3C has published a First Public Working Draft for “Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0.”. The verifiable credentials used in Ontology ONT ID are also constructed based on the v1.0 version, and are currently open sourced to Web3 developers in Java and GO around the world.  

Ontology in the Media

The Fintech Times — Metaverse to Web3: Gartner Picks 25 Emerging Technologies in its 2022 Hype Cycle

Technologies to watch — metaverse, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), super apps and Web3, decentralised identity, digital humans, digital twin of the customer, and internal talent marketplaces. With these technologies, individuals can control their own identities and data and experience virtual ecosystems that can be integrated with digital currencies. These technologies help reach customers in new ways to strengthen or open new revenue streams.