
Ontology Node Staking Guide on ONTO

Step 1: Download ONTO

Step 2: Open ONTO, click the “Assets” tab and then click “ONT”.

Step 3: Click the “Stake” button on the bottom left corner to enter the staking page.

Step 4: Click “Recommended stake nodes” and select the node you would like to stake into and enter the stake amount (an integral multiple of 1).

Please note: If you would like stake just 1 ONT, please enter “1” and click the “Stake now” button. Enter your password to confirm the authorized stake is complete.

Step 5: After the stake authorization complete, you can check your stake details under “My stake” tab.

Click the “Claim” button on the bottom left to withdraw ONG.

How to cancel your stake?

Click the “Cancel stake” button under “My stake” page. Before you cancel your stake, please click the “Info” on the top right corner and read the rules carefully. You can click the “Withdraw” button to withdraw your ONT.