Ontology Explorer has been upgraded to provide various new functions related to the Ontology EVM.
Latest Developments
Development Progress
- We have completed the upgrade of the Ontology Explorer with new features, including support for the ORC-1155 protocol, updated ONT and ONG decimals and dollar price display, etc. At the same time, the Ontology Discord link has been added.
- We are 85% done with the Rollup VM design.
- We are 25% done with the RISCV instruction set contract implementation.
- We are 20% done with the Rollup RISCV EVM actuator.
Product Development
- ONTO hosted various online activities such as the NFT lottery campaign with FIO Protocol, WOOFi, MetaList Lab, 4MW and Moniwar. Participating with ONTO will earn rewards such as NFTs and Tokens. Follow the @ONTO Wallet Official Announcement in Telegram for more details!
- ONTO integrated the NFT platform and GameFi project Griffin Art, and other dApps. The application ecosystem continues to expand.
On-Chain Activity
- 130 total dApps on MainNet as of March 21th, 2022.
- 6,910,471 total dApp-related transactions on MainNet, an increase of 5,192 from last week.
- 17,179,707total transactions on MainNet, an increase of 23,583 from last week.
Community Growth
- 813 new members joined our global community this week. We welcome you to join us and build the Web3 ecosystem together.
- Humpty Calderon, our Head of Community, held an online live event on TwitterSpaces themed “Communication in Web3: Interoperability and Cross-Chain Building”, and invited Ontology founder Li Jun and BingX team members Aziz and Emerson to join, discussing on EVM, interoperable Web3 future and more.
- We held our weekly Discord Community Call, with the theme “Can Anonymity and Real Name Coexist?”. The Ontology community agrees that by combining DID technology, the anonymous system can also perform KYC and subsequent verification and data sharing for users to achieve the effect of “real name”.
- We held our Telegram weekly Community Discussion, led by Benny, an Ontology Harbinger from our Asian community. He shared “Use of Ontology Bridge”: Through the Ontology Bridge, users can enjoy a more efficient Ontology EVM asset exchange and development and deployment experience.
- As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram, where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates.
Global News
- Ontology’s official Twitter has released “Ontology EVM FAQ”, which collects and answers users’ questions about Ontology EVM and helps global users to have a deeper understanding of Ontology EVM.
Ontology in the Media
XR Today — “The Hottest Trends in Metaverse Technology for 2022”
“Described by some as the future of the internet, and others as the next major tech platform, the metaverse is taking the world by storm. Though definitions of the metaverse are still somewhat varied, experts agree this new landscape will help to bridge the gap between our digital and real-world identities. In other words, we’ll be closer to a computer-enhanced world than ever before.”

As we move into the next iteration of the internet, decentralized identity solutions and privacy preserving technology are becoming increasingly important for the secure expansion of decentralized networks. Ontology’s EVM will facilitate the creation of privacy preserving technologies within a more mainstream developer group. These developers will be able to leverage ONTO Wallet, the gateway for a seamless Web3 experience which has a base of 800K users, as well as ONT ID, Ontology’s decentralized digital identity application which reached over 1.5 million users last year. To achieve effective connection with the Web3 network environment to access the upcoming metaverse.