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Ontology Weekly Report (March 1–7, 2022)


Ontology has officially launched a $10 million EVM Fund. The fund, which has been launched in celebration of the recent release of Ontology’s Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), aims to support Web3 developers building on Ontology. 

Latest Developments

Development Progress

  • We have completed the truebit challenge design survey.
  • We are 80% done with the Rollup VM design.
  • We have completed the Bridge design, development and testing of bridging NFTs in NeoVM to NFTs in EVM on Ontology, and the mainnet will be released after EVM takes effect.
  • We have completed the development and testing of the WONG contract, now waiting for the mainnet to be released.
  • We are 10% done with the RISCV instruction set contract implementation.

Product Development

  • ONTO hosted various online activities such as the NFT lottery campaign with Deri Protocol, ALL-STAR, UpDeFi and MetaPlan. Participating with ONTO will earn rewards such as NFTs. Follow the @ONTO Wallet Official Announcement in Telegram for more details!

  • ONTO has integrated 2 dApps, including the multi-chain liquidity enabler Symbiosis and the Blockchain game MONIWAR.

On-Chain Activity

  • 125 total dApps on MainNet as of March 7th, 2022.
  • 6,900,483 total dApp-related transactions on MainNet, an increase of 1,944 from last week.
  • 17,129,212 total transactions on MainNet, an increase of 44,849 from last week.

Community Growth

  • 807 new members joined our global community this week. We welcome you to join us and build the Web3 ecosystem together.
  • We held our weekly Discord Community Call, with the theme “true ownership and security to gaming”, DID solutions are blockchain infrastructure that can back-end a game to verify players’ identities, confirm traceability and validity of their in-game assets, and ultimately increase player security.
  • We held our Telegram weekly Community Discussion, led by Benny, an Ontology Harbinger from our Asian community. He shared the application conditions and methods of the Ontology EVM Fund, and welcomed all developers to build high-quality Web3 and Metaverse-related decentralized applications based on the EVM Fund.
  • Ontology has passed 200,000 followers on Twitter, we look forward to more people joining us on the road to a decentralized future.
  • Ontology Harbinger Wyatt Mufson published a series of tweets, sharing his unique insights on Ontology’s core technologies and products with the Web3 public.
  • As always, we’re active on Twitter and Telegram, where you can keep up with our latest developments and community updates.

Global News

  • The launch of the Ontology EVM Fund makes $10 Million in ONT/ONG available to enable expeditions, any new or established dApp interested in the EVM Fund can apply and will be subject to evaluation from the Ontology community and team. Project submissions can be made through Ontology Community Forum.

Ontology in the Media

MarTech Series — “Ontology Releases Ethereum Virtual Machine and Announces $10 Million Fund To Support Web3 Developers Building On Ontology”

“Ontology, the project bringing trust, privacy, and security to Web3 through decentralized identity and data solutions, has today announced the release of its Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Seamlessly connecting the Ontology and EVM-based ecosystems, it will increase cross-chain interoperability, allowing EVM-based blockchain developers to migrate easily across ecosystems and seamlessly construct applications on Ontology.” 

As well as receiving investment and the potential to access Ontology’s state-of-the-art protocols and tools, participating projects can receive tech, marketing, and business development support. Ontology will receive equity/tokens in the projects, enabling the synergistic growth of its interoperable ecosystem across a diverse array of projects.